
Gemma the Pen

Just discovering your joyful creative side? Looking for some art-buddy community? My newsletter is for you! Roughly once a month I share my adventures in making stuff that makes me happy, and the things I'm learning along the way. Maybe they'll inspire you to make stuff that makes you happy too. If you are a curious creative like me, or simply want to start fuelling your spectrum of creativity possibilities, you have a place here - and I think we'll get on great! 💛

✍️ Do you make art every day? I don't, and that's ok.

Hi Reader, Have you ever been encouraged to make art everyday in order to improve? It's a common piece of art advice, that has roots in some very valid points, and the practise has proven positive for many. However, it's not for everyone - myself included - so please don't feel like a failure if you've tried it and not found it helpful. The key to art improvement is not quantity but consistency, and finding a way to practise which suits you is what will keep you showing up. If you're curious...

✍️ Buffoonery! Silliness! Goof-ballery! I love these words!

Hi Reader, How's things? I hope you are doing ok and finding things to laugh about. Can I share something with you?... I am a big ol' silly-billy. You probably knew that already, because if you're here it means you're kind of ok with that...and you're my kind of peeps ☺️ I'm only saying it because I think silliness has a place in creative play, and it often gets forgotten about. In art and crafts there is a whole heap of playtime to be enjoyed, which is vital for testing out random thoughts,...

✍️ The good, the bad, and the...all the feelings!

Hi Reader, How is your creativity faring today? Are the ideas a-bubbling or are you feeling a bit meh? It's ok if it's both! 🫣 Creative energy is always shifting, so cut yourself some slack when the levels are lower or more confuzzled. I am currently pushing towards completing my next Skillshare class and I am deep in the editing stage. This is the stage where I start feeling two different ways about what I'm creating. The first is: I feel energised that I can finally see the seams of the...

Just discovering your joyful creative side? Looking for some art-buddy community? My newsletter is for you! Roughly once a month I share my adventures in making stuff that makes me happy, and the things I'm learning along the way. Maybe they'll inspire you to make stuff that makes you happy too. If you are a curious creative like me, or simply want to start fuelling your spectrum of creativity possibilities, you have a place here - and I think we'll get on great! 💛